Topic: Uncategorized

VICTORY! Less Testing in Dallas ISD

Reduced Testing ScheduleDistrict Test Names, Descriptions, Grade Levels LESS TESTING IN DALLAS ISD! Alliance/AFT leadership met with Chief of Teaching and Curriculum, Dr. Shannon Trejo, and other administrators on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 and learned that the district has heard your voice loud and clear about "TOO MUCH TESTING"! They have acted because of your actions during our RED (Respect,...

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Committee Symposium Invitation

You are the union and your participation is necessary for great outcomes! You're invited to a Committee Symposium on Tuesday, June 27th from 11:00am - 2:00pm at the Alliance office to learn about the different committees you can be a part of to further our agenda of Respect, Equity, and Dignity. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Gabby at...

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Alliance/AFT Summer Hours

Summer hours for the Alliance/AFT office are as follows: Mondays - Thursdays: 9:00am - 4:30pm and Fridays: 9:00 am - 3:30pm. Please call if you have questions and/or need information.  The office number is (214) 942-4663. You can also reach the president via email at Enjoy a great summer of family time, fun, relaxation, taking care of you! You're...

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PLEASE TAKE 15 SECONDS TO HELP SCHOOL EMPLOYEES KEEP UP WITH INFLATION!You still have time to encourage law makers to direct more of the state’s record $32 billion surplus to Texas public schools. Doing nothing and just hoping lawmakers take this action is NOT an option.The current school funding plan proposed by both the Texas House and Senate does not...

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Our office is closed Friday, April 7th and Monday, April 10th

Alliance/AFT follows the same calendar and schedule that Dallas ISD uses. Friday, April 7th is an Inclement Weather day and Monday, April 10th is a student holiday and staff asynchronous Professional Development day, therefore our office is closed. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 11th at 9:00 am. Enjoy this long weekend and be safe.

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Election of Alliance/AFT Officers

A membership meeting was held on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at our union hall for the purpose of nominating Executive Officers and Executive Board members. The nominations were conducted by Texas AFT Secretary-Treasurer Ray McMurrey. At the close of nominations, the following positions were contested and the candidates nominated for each position are listed below:President - Candidates Rena Honea and...

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2023 District Voluntary Transfer Periods

HCM has posted the following dates for two voluntary transfer periods for Chapter 21 employees. They are: 1. HPC campuses ~ March 6th - April 26th 2. All other transfers ~ March 22nd - April 10th The open transfer window for high priority campuses opened on March 6 and will begin for other campuses on March 22. The principal deadline...

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