Topic: Respect Us Expect Us

Jan. 27, 2023: Raises for All Texas School Employees

Friday, Jan. 27, 2023 As Texas public schools beg for funding, Texas charter schools … buy luxury horse ranches. This year, National School Choice Week fell just a week after Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick proclaimed before the Legislature that he and Gov. Greg Abbott are “all in” on “school choice.”    What’s normally a week in which voucher proponents and...

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2023 Poll Finds (Again) That Texans Love Their Public Schools

The Charles Butt Foundation has released its 2023 poll on Texans’ attitudes toward public education, and, once again, the results confirm what we already know: Texans overwhelmingly support and value their public schools and those who work in them.  Among the key findings of this year’s poll:  89% of Texans support increasing teacher salaries. 89% of Texas public school parents are...

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