Laws have been enacted in Texas that may be putting the futures of our public sector workers and retirees at risk. These laws dictate how public pension funds can be invested or divested without considering the performance of the investments. State lawmakers have tried to limit the ability of Texas public pension funds to invest in clean energy projects — even if it’s in the financial interest of the fund.
Workers and retirees deserve a voice in the decisions that will affect their pensions. By standing together, public sector workers can call on lawmakers to ensure they have the freedom they need to ensure their pensions are being invested responsibly and without jeopardizing future earnings.
Texas politicians should not gamble with retirees’ future.
Learn from experts and retirees about the connection between climate and pensions, and how Texas laws are affecting the pensions of public employees in Texas at a free webinar at 6 p.m. CST, Tuesday, March 26. You can register online now.