54 Search Results for HB 1605

SBOE Recap: Reading Between the TEA Lines

Image reads: Eyes on the Board

The regular January meeting of the State Board of Education began Tuesday, Jan. 30, in Austin with new Chair Aaron Kinsey presiding. It was a long four days of rule-making, and our recap highlights a few choice bits of the agenda:  Instructional materials review and adoption process overhaul (House Bill...

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SBOE Preview: New Year, New Chair 

Image reads: Eyes on the Board

Readers of the Hotline will remember that in December, the governor appointed Aaron Kinsey, who represents District 15, as the new State Board of Education (SBOE) chair, replacing Dr. Keven Ellis, who has served as chair since 2019. Next week’s regular meeting of the board will be Kinsey’s first in...

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5 Things to Watch for in 2024 

In December, we looked back at the year that was — and all the highs, lows, and whoas for public education 2023 provided. Now we’re ready to look ahead to what promises to be a busy, uncertain year for our Texas public schools.   2024 is a presidential election year, with...

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Dec. 15, 2023: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Closed for the Holidays: December 21 through January 5.

Friday, Dec. 15, 2023 What a Year We are wrapping things up for 2023. Texas AFT offices will be closed from Thursday, Dec. 21 through Friday, Jan. 5. After one regular legislative session, four special sessions, and an election, we are all ready for a long winter’s nap.  This will...

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2023 in Review: The Highs, Lows, & Whoas for Texas Public Schools

Photo by Mariana Krueger, CCR Studios.  It seems like we say this every year now, but 2023 has been an interesting year for Texas public schools, as well as for everyone who works and learns in them. We say “interesting” deliberately. While it seems like there’s a flood of bad...

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SBOE Recap: All the Rubrics and Library Books

Image reads: Eyes on the Board

At the special called meeting of the State Board of Education (SBOE) on Dec. 13, the board discussion focused on HB 1605 requirements, specifically instructional materials review rules, processes, and rubrics, as well as the library collection development policy required by HB 900.  The quality review rubrics are still under...

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Dec. 8, 2023: COLA Controversies

Friday, Dec. 8, 2023 You tracked your working conditions. Here’s what we learned. This fall, over 600 K-12 and higher education employees participated in Texas AFT’s Strive to Thrive working conditions project. It was the largest statewide effort of public school employees in Texas to document the real issues in...

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SBOE: Public Comments Needed on Instructional Materials, Library Policy

Image reads: Eyes on the Board

The State Board of Education (SBOE) is holding a special called meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 13. Ahead of that meeting, there are two important topics for Texas educators to weigh in on.  HB 1605: Instructional Materials Rubrics Among its agenda items, the board intends to review and approve the rubrics...

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Nov. 17, 2023: We won’t take the bait

Friday, Nov. 17, 2023 Houston ISD parents, educators, and community members speak to the press at the Texas Capitol after their testimony at the State Board of Education. Is this parental empowerment? Vouchers are dead in Texas. Again. (More on that in a second.) While their proponents claim vouchers are...

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SBOE Recap: Instructional Materials Work Continues Apace

Image reads: Eyes on the Board

Science Textbooks  The State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting began this week with the adoption of science instructional materials. There was a steady drumbeat of proposed textbooks removed from the recommended list. Some were removed for valid reasons like lack of standards coverage, but far more were removed because they...

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Nov. 9, 2023: What a Week

Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023 Voucher bill HB 1 died with the third special session of the Legislature this week. It was reborn — and made even more expensive — with the fourth. Illustration by Sierra Wiggers.  On voters & vouchers On the same day Gov. Greg Abbott called a fourth...

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