
Featured News

Action Needed: SBOE to Review TEA’s Bible-Infused New Curriculum

Typically, we would wait to preview the State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting in the Hotline edition closest to the date of the meeting. However, there is a hotly anticipated hearing happening at the board’s next regular meeting, Sept. 10-13, and we need our members engaged and taking action in advance of the meeting.  Regular Hotline readers will be familiar...

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April 26, 2024: A Sorry Week for Texas

Friday, April 26, 2024 A post on X (formerly Twitter) from Lily Kepner, the higher education reporter for the Austin American-Statesman, shows UT AAUP President Polly Strong addressing students, faculty, and community members at a Thursday protest, one day after local and state law enforcement agents violently responded to a...

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Fact Check: Do Voucher Programs Really Increase Public School Funding? 

Governor Abbott's “School Choice” Claims Don't Hold Up to the Facts  Gov. Greg Abbott has recently made some bold claims about the impacts of voucher programs like Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) on public school funding.   In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Abbott stated that, "In 97% of states with...

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April 19, 2024: In the Room

Friday, April 19, 2024 This past Tuesday, April 16, the U.S. House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security held a meeting to discuss the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), two provisions that heavily penalize many Texas educators and public employees.   AFT members from across the...

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Reminder: Early Voting Starts April 22 for May 4 Municipal Elections 

It’s that time of year again: early voting season! As we get closer to the municipal election date (May 4), it’s hugely important that we make our voices heard in this upcoming election. As the war on public education — and public educators — continues, we must elect candidates, especially...

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SBEC Preview: Back to the Drawing Board 

The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) will meet in Austin on Friday, April 26. We anticipate a relatively quiet agenda except for the recap of the State Board of Education proceedings and anticipated discussion of the revised request for proposal (RFP) for a Texas-specific performance assessment.    We covered the...

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SBOE Recap: Rules Approved, SBEC Cautioned 

Image reads: Eyes on the Board

The State Board of Education gathered in Austin from April 9-12 for what promised to be consequential meetings related to educator certification, as well as other topics important to our members.  Tuesday has become “instructional materials day” on the SBOE’s agenda. Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff presented an update on the...

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Lt. Gov. Announces Politicized Interim Charges for Higher Education 

Last week, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick released his interim charges, outlining the items that Patrick intends for senators to study in preparation for the next legislative session. In our last edition of the Hotline, Texas AFT unpacked each of interim charges that affect K-12 public education. This week, we’re diving...

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