
Featured News

Easy Come, Easy Go: The Legislative Session that Just Won’t End

News from the 88th Legislative Session

This week we said “goodbye” to the 88th regular session … and then, just a few hours later, said “hello” to the first special session of the 88th Legislature. In this week’s Hotline, we recap the end of the regular session, provide an update on the first (of “several”) special...

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By the Numbers: the 88th Legislature

$0 The amount of raises the Legislature passed for teacher and school staff raises 0 The number of bills to limit class sizes or reduce educator workloads that received a committee hearing 28 cents per student The amount of new money the Legislature invested in school safety in HB 3...

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May 26, 2023: A Hostage Situation

Friday, May 26, 2023 Is this a joke? There are three days left in the regular session of the 88th Texas Legislature. And as of this writing, there are $0 dedicated in the proposed final state budget for public school employee raises.  After more than a month of negotiations in...

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House Committee Unanimously Recommends Paxton Impeachment 

This Thursday, the Texas House General Investigating Committee recommended that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton be impeached due to a plethora of abuses he is alleged to have committed while in office. The committee filed a total of 20 articles of impeachment against Paxton, ranging from obstruction of justice to...

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Statement on State Budget HB 1

Texas A-F-T logo

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 25, 2023 CONTACT: Texas AFT President Zeph Capo commented Thursday on House Bill 1, the state budget, which, after negotiations in conference committee, contains no increase to the basic allotment for students and no raises for public school employees: “Is this a joke? Congratulations to...

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Statement on $16 billion cost for HB 100, vouchers

Text says "Fully Funded and Fully Respected: The Path to Thriving Texas Public Schools"

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 23, 2023 CONTACT: Texas AFT and Every Texan commented Wednesday on the $16 billion fiscal note for CSHB100 and its private school voucher over the next five years. Both organizations published research jointly this spring that indicated the cost of across-the-board raises for Texas school...

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