
Featured News

Action Needed: SBOE to Review TEA’s Bible-Infused New Curriculum

Typically, we would wait to preview the State Board of Education (SBOE) meeting in the Hotline edition closest to the date of the meeting. However, there is a hotly anticipated hearing happening at the board’s next regular meeting, Sept. 10-13, and we need our members engaged and taking action in advance of the meeting.  Regular Hotline readers will be familiar...

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April 21, 2023: Where’s the sense of urgency on anything that matters?

Friday, April 21, 2023 Picking winners and losers San Antonio Alliance member Teresa Razo and Northeast Houston AFT member Tammy Reyes meet with a representative from Rep. Greg Bonnen’s office this past Tuesday. This week, the Texas House Public Education Committee took up the very important work of debating whether...

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State Budget Negotiators Announced by House & Senate Leadership

This past week, Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick announced which legislators will participate in the conference committee on HB 1, the State Budget for the next biennium. These conferees will have the final say on what is included and what is excluded from the budget....

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Recap: This Week at the Legislature

News from the 88th Legislative Session

San Antonio Alliance member Teresa Razo and Northeast Houston AFT member Tammy Reyes meet with a representative from Rep. Greg Bonnen’s office this past Tuesday.  Public Education: House Approves Book Ban & Public Education Committee Hears Texas AFT Testimony, Senate Passes School Safety Bill and Targets Separation of Church and...

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Bills to Watch: Texas House to Consider Your Paychecks, School Safety

Important Bills Heading to a House Vote In addition to the committee action next week, a few consequential bills further along in the legislative process will likely be considered on the floor of the House. HB 100 by Rep. Ken King (R-Canadian) is the comprehensive school finance bill. Texas AFT...

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Retired Texas Educators to Rally for Pension Increases

Texas A-F-T logo

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  April 21, 2023  CONTACT: ***MEDIA ADVISORY*** MONDAY, April 24 at the Texas Capitol After two decades without a raise, retirees say they're not ready to settle for the crumbs of Texas' historic state budget.  AUSTIN, Texas — Any educator who's retired in Texas since September 2004 is...

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April 14, 2023: A Raise Bill is Finally Being Heard

Friday, April 14, 2023 Who exactly is this session for? McAllen AFT members and LUPE volunteers protest outside Gov. Greg Abbott’s voucher stop at Covenant Christian Academy in McAllen. Photo by Clarissa Riojas. Last week, the Texas House passed a budget without any provision for meaningful raises for school employees....

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Recap: This Week at the Legislature

News from the 88th Legislative Session

The Texas Legislature was in full swing this week. Both the House and the Senate moved forward with legislation that, if passed, would have significant implications for public school educators, higher education employees, and retirees. Public Education: House Committee Hears Voucher Testimony, Senate Votes for Book Bans This week, the...

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Bills to Watch: Vouchers up in House Public Education Committee on Tuesday

The Texas Legislature has another busy week ahead. Several bills will be considered in committee and debated on the floor. House Public Education Committee: Two Hearings in One Week For the first time this session, the House Public Education Committee will convene twice in one week. Both days will include...

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