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Texas schools need a $1,386 boost in base per-student funding just to keep up with inflation

House Bill 2’s arbitrary $220 basic allotment increase will not make public schools whole again.
Read MoreA Tale of Two Chambers: Senate Fast-Tracks, House Slow Rolls in First Week of Special Session

In the first week of this 3rd special session, focused largely on private school vouchers pushed by the governor and his billionaire donors, each chamber of the Texas Legislature took drastically different approaches to the governor's call. The Texas House, of which a bipartisan majority has remained adamantly opposed to...
Read MoreWhat’s on your ballot? Texas Voters to Weigh in on 14 Statewide Props

Voters across the state will be voting on 14 proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution on November 7, 2023. These ballot propositions range from providing a cost-of-living adjustment for retired teachers to establishing a state broadband fund for financing broadband expansion in Texas. Texas AFT is taking a position on...
Read MoreSolidarity in Action: Teachers Join UAW Strikes for Better Conditions

The United Auto Workers (UAW) continue to picket across the U.S. to voice their commands. In North Texas, UAW members from Carrollton and Roanoke distribution centers were joined by Texas AFT, Alliance AFT, and Southwest AFT members picketing in Carrollton on Thursday, Oct. 5. The pictures on the left are...
Read MoreBiden Cancels $9 Billion in Student Debt, Pushes for Greater Affordability Efforts

Approval of Loan Forgiveness This past Wednesday, the Biden administration announced that it would cancel $9 billion in student loans for 125,000 borrowers. This was made possible through the Department of Education’s “income-driven repayment (IDR) and Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), and granting automatic relief for borrowers with total and...
Read MoreMillionaire Donors Fund New Institute Promoting “Panhandle Values” at West Texas A&M

Last week, it was announced that right-wing millionaire mega donors Alex and Cheryl Fairly would be donating $20 million dollars to create the Hill Institute, an on-campus academy dedicated to promoting a specific set of so-called “American values.” A flier advertising the new institute stated, “The mission of The Hill...
Read MoreNew Texas AFT Member Benefit: BMG Money “LoansForAll” Program

Texas AFT is pleased to introduce a new membership benefit for active members and retirees: the BMG Money "LoansForAll" Program. The BMG Money "LoansForAll" program for Texas AFT members allows employees and retirees to borrow responsibly and repay the debt over time, with fixed, affordable installments regardless of credit...
Read MoreOct. 6, 2023: Forced Failures

Friday, October 6, 2023 Illustration by Sierra Wiggers Abbott’s Elementary Some headlines really do say it all: “Support for Houston ISD’s Spanish speakers has dwindled under state-appointed leader, parents say.” “19 SAISD schools slated for closure in draft recommendation.” “Texas teachers are leaving the profession in record numbers. They told...
Read MoreWhat’s on your ballot this November?

It’s that time of the year once again — November election season! Next month, you will have an opportunity to cast your vote on a number of important measures that will shape the future of your community and our state. On Nov. 7, Texans everywhere will vote on 14 proposed...
Read MoreTexas Freedom Network Resource Kit Will Help You Organize Against Chaplain Policy

Texas AFT regularly participates in coalition work with allies related to our legislative priorities; in the past week, we have had the chance to join our coalition partners at the Capitol for successful advocacy days.
Read MorePublic Education on the Line as Legislature Set to Convene for 3rd Special Session

For at least the past four months, we’ve known a special session was coming. We’ve known that the fate of public schools will hang in the balance. We’ve known that the governor will use every dirty trick in the book to intimidate, threaten, and coerce legislators into passing a universal...
Read MoreStatement on Gov. Abbott’s Agenda for a 3rd Special Session

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 5, 2023 CONTACT: press@texasaft.org Texas AFT President Zeph Capo commented today on Gov. Greg Abbott’s proclamation announcing a third special legislative session to begin Monday, Oct. 9. The call explicitly includes private school vouchers but makes no mention of badly needed funding increases for Texas public...
Read MoreSept. 29: Choosing Sides

Friday, September 29, 2023 Texas AFT President Zeph Capo speaks at a Public Education Town Hall in San Antonio last weekend, with Rep. Josey Garcia, Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins, Sen. José Menéndez, and Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer. Photo by Eli Melendrez. Which side are you on? In a week in which...
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