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This Week in the Legislature: Abbott’s Voucher Push, Movement on Student Behavior Bills

Governor Abbott Continues to Push Voucher Scam Despite Public Opposition Despite two-thirds of Texans opposing his private school voucher program (29% support, 65% oppose), Gov. Greg Abbott held a press conference this week alongside Lt. Gov.Dan Patrick and House Speaker Dustin Burrows, declaring he had the votes to pass House Bill 3, his latest voucher scheme. Abbott also announced that...
Read MoreAFT Takes Legal Action to Defend Public, Higher Education

AFT members, parents, and students gather outside the Department of Education on March 14 to protest the Trump Administration’s move to gut the department and imperil federal funding for our kids and their schools. Last week, we shared news of an expected yet dangerous move from the Trump administration: an...
Read MoreHouse Higher Ed Committee Off to a Good Start

After last week’s Senate Bill 37 chaos in the Senate Education K-16 Committee, it was refreshing to see bills in the House Higher Education Committee that would support our community colleges and universities. House Bill 2110 by Rep. Gary VanDeaver modifies the funding model for community colleges established in...
Read MoreWhy Are Billionaires Still Trying to Buy Our Schools?

Credit: www.littlesis.org Despite Gov. Greg Abbott and billionaire donor Jeff Yass pouring millions into pro-voucher campaigns, the public remains firmly against privatizing our schools. Texas AFT President Zeph Capo brought the receipts this week to a press conference with Local Progress Texas, a coalition of local government officials and community...
Read MoreSubmit Public Comments to the Texas Legislature

A great way to make your voice heard on bills in the state Legislature is to leave a public comment online. These comments, which you can write from your home, are distributed to representatives on House committees and become part of the public record on a bill - so be...
Read More‘Don’t Arizona Our Texas’

In his relentless quest to pass a private school voucher scheme in Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott is calling in reinforcements.
Read MoreTexas Senate Passes Several ‘Solutions’ That Will Become Their Own Problems

This week, the Texas Senate passed several bills including Senate Bill 10, which would require the posting of the Ten Commandments in all Texas classrooms.
Read MoreThis Week in the Legislature: Good Bills, Bad Bills, & Some That Could Go Either Way

Last Friday, March 14, was the deadline for lawmakers to file bills for this legislative session. And, like in so many classrooms across the state, there was a flood of last-minute activity; over 1,000 bills were filed on Friday alone.
Read MoreSenate Committee Hears SB 37, a State Takeover of Public Colleges & Universities

On Thursday, the Senate Education K-16 Committee heard its first higher education bills of the session, including Senate Bill 37, Sen. Brandon Creighton’s omnibus bill.
Read MoreWith Texas Leaders Looking on, President Trump Signs Executive Order Dismantling the Department of Education

On Thursday, the Trump Administration released a long-anticipated executive order, commanding newly confirmed Secretary of Education Linda McMahon to take steps to pave the way for closing the Department of Education (DOE).
Read MoreTexas AFT’s SECOND Public Education Advocacy Day Brings Hundreds More Pre-K-12, Higher Education Employees to the Capitol

For the second Monday in a row, Texas educators spent their Spring Break fighting for their students and their schools.
Read MoreTexas AFT Statement on Gov. Abbott’s Appearance at Department of Education Executive Order Signing

“It makes perfect sense for Gov. Greg Abbott to be on hand for the dismantling of the Department of Education. It was the only governmental entity holding his administration accountable for guaranteeing parents’ and students’ rights to a free and...
Read MoreTexas AFT, Texas AAUP-AFT Statement on Senate Bill 37

Senate Bill 37 is a sweeping attack on faculty governance and the freedom to learn, teach, and research in Texas public higher education institutions, which will be heard in the Senate Education K-16 Committee today:
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