The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has announced a timeline for release of the 2022-2023 state accountability ratings.
For some school districts, the new A-F ratings, which will be released to the public on September 28, 2023, will show that they are doing a worse job compared to last school year despite the fact that their students achieved better STAAR assessment results this school year.
Public education advocates have been sounding the alarm since the 88th Legislature began, calling on TEA Commissioner Mike Morath and the agency to delay making changes to the A-F accountability system.
TEA is also increasing College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) cut scores for the 2022-2023 accountability system, essentially changing the rubric and requiring much higher CCMR rates for school districts just to receive the same grade as last year on this important aspect of the Student Achievement Domain of our accountability system. CCMR is supposed to measure graduates’ readiness for college, the workforce, or the military.
The timing and rushed nature of this significant change to our accountability system is highly suspect. The 2022-2023 accountability ratings will make some school districts look like they’re doing worse when they’re actually doing better, and public education stakeholders are deeply concerned that pro-voucher state legislators will use the new scores as an excuse to bulldoze through voucher legislation during the special session.
Look for additional Hotline articles on A-F ratings as we march toward these reporting dates.